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Principled Advocacy For Families And Individuals With Disabilities And The Professionals Who Serve Them

Adult Protective Services And Elder Abuse Attorneys

Learning that a loved one was abused physically or financially by a caretaker, or even another family member is a shocking, saddening and often infuriating experience. At a time like this, it is important to work with a law firm that will strive to protect your loved one’s rights and put his or her needs first.

At Monahan Law Group, LLC, we are dedicated to protecting those in Chicago and throughout Illinois who cannot protect themselves. Our experienced attorneys have the knowledge and skills to assist your family during difficult times. We offer efficient guidance for those whose loved ones were:

  • Physically injured or sexually abused by a caretaker
  • Wrongfully coerced into changing the terms of a will or trust
  • Financially abused or exploited

At our law firm, we practice principled advocacy. For you, that means caring, practical and comprehensive legal advice no matter what difficult situation you are facing.

Experienced And Compassionate Attorneys

Our lawyers have unique backgrounds in social work, mental health law, guardianship and other legal areas that affect the elderly. We routinely work with agencies and other professionals involved in investigating and reporting abuse and neglect. We know the relevant laws and will assist you in navigating the appropriate systems efficiently and effectively.

We Can Help. Call Us Today.

To schedule an initial consultation with one of our experienced attorneys, please reach out to us online or call our office at 312-419-0252.