When you create wealth, you typically pay tax on it at the time. Yet, if you are not careful, you could end paying tax twice: once when you earn the income and again when you leave it to your family. You may need to reduce your estate's value to keep it beneath the...
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Principled Advocacy For Families And Individuals With Disabilities And The Professionals Who Serve Them
Month: January 2021
3 reasons to revisit your estate plan when you retire
If you own your own home, have children or run your own business, you probably already have an estate plan. Many responsible adults recognize that estate planning protects not only themselves but the people they love. Other than failing to create an estate plan,...
5 mistakes to avoid when special needs estate planning
Failing to make an estate plan is a significant error for anyone, even more so when you have a child with special needs. Other people’s children will be able to work and survive regardless of whether their parents leave them anything. Your child may be unable to work...