Besides a minor child, if you have a person with a disability in your family, you may need to appoint a guardian to make decisions about their well-being. The guardian will make decisions about your loved one's residential placement, medical treatment, social services...
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Can guardianship be modified in Illinois?
After appointing a guardian for an adult with a mental, physical or developmental disability (a ward), necessary changes can be made. A judge can modify or terminate a guardianship if doing so is in the best interest of the ward. Here are three reasons that can lead...
What are the requirements for guardianship in Illinois?
Guardianship is a legal process that appoints someone to make decisions for another individual who is deemed unable to do so themselves. This can be due to a minor's age, an adult's disability or even an older adult's declining mental faculties. If you're considering...
When is it time to pursue guardianship for a loved one?
It may someday become clear that a loved one is no longer able to manage their own affairs due to age, illness or incapacity. Illinois guardianship is a legal process designed to protect and support individuals in these circumstances, helping to ensure that they...
3 Illinois guardianships to consider for a disabled loved one
After hearing nightmare stories about guardianships gone wrong, most people only establish one for a loved one as a last resort. They want to help and protect their family member but without taking away their rights and dignity. When guardianship has become the only...
3 rules to live by if you have guardianship authority
Whether you have decision-making authority (guardianship) over a disabled family member or a close friend, you bear a great responsibility. You may feel that the person will only get fair and respectful treatment if you are in charge, but never forget that serving as...
When is guardianship needed for the protection of an older adult?
Every year, many families in Illinois have to make difficult decisions about their most vulnerable members. Older adults often require many of the same kinds of support that children do. They may require someone else to manage their finances and meet their basic...
Avoid these 4 mistakes when choosing a guardian for your child
The estate planning process is essential, especially if you have children. It helps ensure your last wishes are fulfilled and your family is provided for. If you have minor children, it's also important that you designate a guardian for them in your will. While no...
Why you may want 2 guardians for your children
Every parent wants to make sure that their child’s future is secure – even if they aren’t around. That’s why many new parents take the time to get their estate plans together, which includes naming a future guardian for their child in case something happens to both of...
Do grandparents make good guardians?
One of the reasons that parents tend to make estate plans is because they want to pick a guardian for their child. For instance, maybe you have a child with special needs and you know that they’re going to need care for the rest of their life. Or perhaps your children...