Picking a guardian for a child with special needs gives you some peace of mind. You know that you will likely outlive your child, but your child will still need some level of assistance after you are gone. The guardian you chose will be there to provide that...
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Principled Advocacy For Families And Individuals With Disabilities And The Professionals Who Serve Them
Month: March 2021
Who should you choose as your estate’s executor?
You’re young, but you’re often away on business and in situations where there’s a potential for plane crashes, car crashes and travel-related illnesses. You know that something could go wrong, and you want to have someone there to take care of your estate if you pass...
Why do you need a power of attorney for your parent?
You know that your parent lives a complicated life. Maybe they’re alone after a divorce or the death of your other parent, and they have a lot of things they need to handle on their own. How do you know if a power of attorney would be beneficial? Remember, a power of...