Those with disabilities resulting in mobility issues have seen significant changes over the years. A large drive behind this process is the Americans with Disabilities Act, which seeks to create a more equal experience for everyone. Businesses need to have wheelchair ramps to make them accessible to everyone, for instance.
The mobility-challenged can absolutely have healthy, fulfilling lives, despite the challenges they face. Many are even able to maintain a level of independence that is quite admirable.
However, their unique challenges may mean that they need more life-long care than someone else would require. For instance, it may be physically unsafe for them to do certain tasks. Parents and family members can help for a time, but not forever. As parents age, they may not be able to provide the same level of care, and they clearly cannot once they have passed away.
The importance of estate planning
This is why it’s so important for those parents to carefully do their estate planning in a way that will provide the maximum level of support for their heir. How can they best use their money to offer care after they are gone? What mistakes do they want to avoid?
For instance, they may be tempted to leave financial assets to their heir to pay for an in-home assistant. However, directly leaving said assets may disqualify the person from needed benefits. Putting the money into a trust may be better, as they’ll still qualify for benefits and they get the money to help along the way.
As you can see, it’s crucial to carefully consider every step of this process to seek the very best outcome.