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Principled Advocacy For Families And Individuals With Disabilities And The Professionals Who Serve Them

March is Social Work Month, a time to highlight service providers

On Behalf of | Mar 9, 2023 | Uncategorized

Social workers help provide crucial support to individuals in vulnerable positions. They work with people with disabling medical conditions and their families to help people obtain the skills they need for life and access the resources necessary to succeed. 

Recognizing the efforts of social workers during March every year is one way to highlight the key contributions these professionals make to society. Given that March has been National Social Work Month since 1963, it is an excellent time for individuals to reach out to the social workers who have helped them. 

It is also an excellent time to consider the risks they may have related to their professions and the sacrifices they often make. 

Why social workers may need legal support

Disability social workers often have advanced degrees, which means that they invest years in their education and also thousands of dollars to attend institutions of higher education. They also have to apply for state licensing and provide services in a manner that aligns with current professional standards. 

They could face challenges against their licensing because of interpersonal conflicts or even allegations of professional neglect when a client suffers a poor outcome. Social workers frequently require legal representation when embroiled in a conflict to preserve not only their personal reputation but also their licensing and their right to continue working in their chosen profession. Those operating their own practices may need support drafting contracts or setting patient care policies. 

Every year, social workers employed by state organizations and private companies provide services including hands-on support and social learning opportunities for those with disabilities and the families that care for them. Our attorneys provide comprehensive legal guidance to social service professionals, including social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, therapists and others with the challenges they face with their licenses and more.