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When is it time to pursue guardianship for a loved one?

On Behalf of | Mar 7, 2024 | Guardianship

It may someday become clear that a loved one is no longer able to manage their own affairs due to age, illness or incapacity. Illinois guardianship is a legal process designed to protect and support individuals in these circumstances, helping to ensure that they receive the care and management needed for their personal and financial well-being.

Recognizing the signs that a loved one could potentially benefit from a guardianship arrangement is important for initiating timely legal intervention. The following are indicators that guardianship might be a step worth considering.

Diminished capacity

One of the most apparent signs is a noticeable decline in your loved one’s ability to make informed decisions. This could manifest as difficulty understanding financial transactions, forgetting to pay bills or making choices that endanger their safety or well-being.

Vulnerability to exploitation

If your loved one becomes increasingly susceptible to scams, undue influence or financial exploitation, it’s a strong indicator that a guardianship could provide necessary protection. Guardians can oversee financial transactions and safeguard assets against unscrupulous actors.

Difficulty managing daily living activities

A decline in a loved one’s capacity to handle the activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing and eating, without assistance can signal the need for a guardianship. This legal arrangement can better ensure that they receive the care and support required to maintain a positive quality of life.

Inadequate attention to medical needs

When an individual is unable to make or communicate effective decisions about their health care, guardianship can help to ensure that they receive necessary medical treatments and interventions. A guardian can make informed decisions regarding health care providers, medical treatments and living arrangements that prioritize a loved one’s health and safety.

A decision to pursue guardianship is rarely easy or straightforward. With that said, if you’re noticing these signs of distress in a loved one, it may be time to explore your legal options to assist them more effectively.